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Checkout Cistern of Riba-roja de Túria Watch Video

The Count of Revillagigedo ordered the construction of the Cistern in front of the Castle. Very similar to a well, but supplied by the waters of the Quint irrigation canal, the cistern was filled in winter and was not used until summer, so the water was consumed filtered and fresh. Its dimensions and capacity are about 25 meters deep, 5 meters high and 5 meters wide, thus covering at least 500,000 liters. In 1960, with the ban on using water from any well in the event of a typhoid outbreak, and drinking water in all homes, the wells fell into disuse and only those located next to the farmland were used to irrigate them.

*This cistern is visited during the “Ruta Urbana del Agua” offered by the Tourist Info of Riba-Roja del Túria. You can book on 96 277 21 84 or by sending an email to riba_roja@touristinfo.net.

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