This guided tour combines theatre, new technologies, and gastronomy. Through this tour, we will learn about the Visigoths’ way of life in all its aspects.
It consists of a theatrical visit to the Visigothic site of Pla de Nadal with the option of a Visigothic Banquet.
With this tour, visitors are immersed in the culture of the 7th century, in a didactic and educational way. As we can see, Descubre el Secreto Visigodo is a unique experience because it allows us to travel back in time, see and feel the same as the inhabitants of Riba-Roja de Túria in the 7th century and discover the Visigothic culture through all our senses.
A visit highly recommended for groups and schoolchildren.
Duration: 3 hours approx.
Difficulty: low.
Reservations: 601057523
Consult for prices
We remind those interested that it is necessary to own a vehicle to travel to the site.
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