The Riba-Roja de Túria washing place known as the‘Llavaor Vell‘ is the oldest and the only one of the three that the municipality has preserved today. It is located in the oldest part of the town, at the back of the Castle next to the Barranco de Los Moros, where it takes its water from the Quint irrigation channel.
With the passing of the years and the appearance of new technological advances such as the public piping of water to homes, the electric washing machine and the improvement of sanitation with the construction of sewers from 1960 onwards, the laundries began to fall into disuse, which led to their abandonment and deterioration.
“The “Llavaor Vell” was restored in 2010, preserving its structure and original elements, and can now be visited, as it has become another tourist element within the routes that are made by the Old Town.
*If you want to know more about the laundry room, you can visit the ” Ruta Urbana del Agua“ offered by the Tourist Info of Riba-Roja del Túria by calling 96 277 21 84 or sending an e-mail to
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