Turia Route
The route is low in difficulty; the slope is low and the paths are comfortable and wide for horses. In addition, a wide variety of natural and cultural attractions can be observed (riverside forests, pine groves, archaeological remains, hydraulic devices, historical bridges, among others). The route is equipped with the necessary equestrian and tourist services to enjoy a good excursion and even to be able to spend the night with riders and horses.
Yes, children are welcome!
Si, animales pueden venir
Siempre va a depender de la época del año, pero:
- Ropa cómoda
- Mochila de ataque (15-30 l)
- 2 litros de agua
- Gorra, gafas de sol, crema solar
- Calzado adecuado (botas o zapatillas de montaña)
- bastones es adecuado